A new year seems like a perfect time to contemplate a world without a pandemic. Our leaders are now telling us that Covid is now endemic. A virus we have to live with. Not live in fear of. We can finally get ‘back to normal’. Alas, it may be premature to start popping the champagne corks. I’m not sure the global political and corporate elite are done with us yet! Infact I’m pretty confident that ‘Climate Change’ will be the next impending disaster that the powers that be will use to coerce us into significant and dubious behaviour change. I have always thought that politicians, bureaucrats and individual citizens are neither creative enough nor competent enough, let alone discrete enough, to conceive and execute grand conspiracies. The moon landings never happened? Princess Diana’s death and 9/11 were inside jobs? Really? On the other hand, recent history proves that private enterprises and their agents are more than capable of conspiring to take advantage of us, generally in pursuit of bigger profits and greater power. Witness the efforts of big tobacco, big pharma and big energy to hide from us the health hazards associated with tobacco, opioids and fossil fuel emissions. More recently it is clear that big tech companies are conspiring against the principles of free speech, not to mention manipulate global tax codes, to pay as little tax as possible. It’s also fair to say that pharma too has enjoyed a very profitable pandemic. The latter three are at least not illegal, yet they can certainly be considered immoral.
So when I read about the ‘Great Reset’ my suspicions were raised, especially as such a bold and global initiative hasn’t received much coverage in the main-stream media. The ‘Great Reset’ (https://www.weforum.org/great-reset) proclaims that “There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.” It goes on to say “As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.” Noble intentions indeed. However, when there is a seismic attempt to reshape our world by unelected leaders among the global elite of The World Economic Forum, The International Monetary Fund, The United Nations and private ‘for profit’ global corporations; well, it’s time to pay attention! When they admit to being in cahoots with the future King of England and Head of The Commonwealth, a man who has lived in palaces and castles all his life and whose family’s dynasty and wealth has been acquired through force and subjugation; well you know that something potentially insidious is afoot. The inherent ‘Democratic Deficit’ in this bold attempt to use CV19 to ‘reset’ our entire socio-economic system should concern us all whether we agree with the idea or not. Maybe it is a good idea. But shouldn’t we have a voice, let alone a vote? They are not hiding their intent. They plan to use all the tools of the pandemic crisis - Lockdowns, Business Closures, Travel Bans, Border Closures, Banning The Right to Protest, Track & Trace Systems, Community Snitches, Police Intervention, Immunization Passports, Social Media Censorship, Media Bias, Curtailing Free Speech, No Platforming etc. to bring about their new vision. History suggests that when any group of unelected elites conspire to influence and determine the future direction and behavior of not just countries, but the entire planet; it isn’t just individual rights at stake, it’s the essence of democracy. On one hand you have global elites who believe in the power of collectivism. That individuals and their nation state should put aside their innate values and beliefs in the interest of a greater good. That the world would be a better place as a ‘one planet collective’ where separate creeds, tribes and cultures coalesce into a world that sings, as the Coca-Cola Ad promoted, “in perfect harmony”. A Federated world guided and controlled by a mother ship that guarantees ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ for every single individual. This is a bold and noble aspiration. An ambition that shouldn’t be ridiculed as naïve or progressive. After all, it makes sense to address the threats of climate change, excessive and irresponsible capitalism, international tax loopholes, extreme religions, international terrorism and the impending challenges of a world dominated by networks that democracies no longer control, and intelligent machines that may be uncontrollable. On the other hand there are those who, like me, believe in the concept of ‘mutual individualism’. The power of individual rights AND mutual responsibility. That nation states should be run by directly elected and accountable representatives who have direct control over a country’s borders, laws, security, currency, economic policy, taxation and trade. That cultural identity, national values and patriotic personality should be celebrated in a world of diversity and individuality. A world of Independent yet Interdependent nation states. Human beings are an innately territorial and tribal species. It is built into our collective consciousness and our DNA. To deny this is a fool’s errand. History proves that such utopian visions look great on paper yet always disappoint in practice. Do we need to change our behaviours to ween ourselves off fossil fuels and be more respectful of the flora and fauna we co-exist with? Yes. Are the unelected and unaccountable elites who are the conspirators of the ‘Great Reset’ the people and organizations who should be trusted to decide the future of our planet? If you are a democrat, definitely not!
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